Bears & Friends – Mini Bags 360g

  • Bears & Friends 是一家專門售賣在德國巴伐利亞森林獨家生產高品質的水果軟糖
  • 生產的水果軟糖是清新,柔韌,果味鮮美,食後香味充滿口腔
  • 100% 德國製造
  • 天然新鮮果汁製成
  • 無防腐劑
  • 無穩定劑
  • 無人造色素(除極少數產品因顏色未能配合)


庫存量: 尚有庫存


產地: 德國
重量: 360g


Ingredients: corn syrup, 22% fruit juice from concentrates(orange, lemon, raspberry, black currant, apple, pineapple), sugar, gelatine,

acidifier: citric acid, flavour, colouring foods (black currant, black carrot, safflower, carrot, lemon, spirulina, caramel sugar syrup),

glazing agent: bee wax white and yellow, carnauba wax.


1. Please avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity, and consume as soon as possible after opening.

2. If there are errors in product ingredients and nutrition labels on the website information, the label on the back of the product shall prevail.

1. 請避免陽光直曬, 高溫及潮濕,開封後盡速食用。

2. 商品成份、營養標示如有錯誤,以商品背面標示為準。

3. 絲帶圖案及顏色隨機發貨。